For No One Can See Me and Live… Until YouTube

“Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

First of all, I am no man.

Second of all, I have no second point.

Well, folks, I’ve decided to take a step out of the shadows of anonymity and start making YouTube videos. To be honest, I have no clear reason or idea why. Do I want to expand my brand? Perhaps I’m an attention whore at heart. Maybe it has to do with daddy issues, abandonment issues, Ben & Jerry’s issues, etc. For whatever reason, I have a YouTube account now and I’ve posted my first personal video. I already had a few Richard Dawkins videos up, but I only just recently uploaded one where I show my face.

For now, I have no focus on my YouTube channel. All I know is that this blog will still be my primary outlet of [not so] creative expression. My YouTube channel will be updated even less frequently than this site is. For now, it’s still in the experimental stages. I was just really excited that I got a ukulele and I wanted to share it with the world because I have no friends. Just kidding. Not kidding. Just kidding…

So what did I choose to do for my video debut? Why, sing and play a Monty Python song on the ukulele, of course.

So subscribe to my YouTube channel stressingoutstudent and see the fears, worries, and screaming pathos in 3D*!

Bring it on, YouTube. Let’s see what you got for SOS.

*Not actually in 3D

Midterm Stress Relief Week: Some Like It Lazy

To cap off Midterm Stress Relief Week, I felt it appropriate to end it with a bang.

I’m kidding. I’m phoning it in. Before going to bed, I watched my favorite movie Some Like It Hot, directed by Billy wilder and starring the sweetly sexy Marilyn Monroe, tall dark and handsome Tony Curtis, and golly gee funnyman Jack Lemmon. Two musicians, Joe (Curtis) and Jerry (Lemmon) witness a murder by a mob during Prohibition. Desperately fleeing for their lives, they pose as two female musicians, Josephine and Geraldine Daphne, and hit the road with an all-female band, including the alcoholic, ever-so-“innocent” Sugar (Monroe). Cross-dressing, innuendos, silly chase sequences – 1950s flavor humor ensues in this comedy classic and wraps up with the quirky, lovable, famous line “Well, nobody’s perfect.” The good old days of comedy gold. The cross-dressing was a bit of a risky move at the time, but boy did it pay off.

As of February 8, 2013, the full movie is still up on YouTube, so watch it now!

How have you been getting away from midterms? What do you like to do to relax? Are you a Marilyn fan?